[allemagne] alerte perquisitions juillet 2018 : tor, tails, riseup …
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sinon : https://blog.torservers.net/20180704/coordinated-raids-of-zwiebelfreunde-at-various-locations-in-germany.html
Coordinated raids of Zwiebelfreunde at various locations in Germany
On June 20th, police raided five locations in Germany, nicely coordinated at 6:00 in the morning: The private homes of all three board members, Jens, Juris and Moritz, our registered headquarters in Dresden (a lawyer’s office), and the home of a previous board member.
Please check the bottom of this page for links to various press reports about these raids detailing what happened. We will update that section regularly.
The brief summary is that a German left-wing blog “Krawalltouristen” (ruckus tourists) called for protest actions around the right-wing AfD party convening in Augsburg, Germany. Law enforcement argues that this includes calls for violence.
The German police were interested in finding the authors of said blog, and deemed it appropriate to not ask for information or go after the email provider the blog happened to be using, riseup.net, but after the German entity Zwiebelfreunde.
Zwiebelfreunde has a partnership with Riseup Labs, a US non-profit, and manages donations via European wire transfers for the Riseup collective. We spend the money in collaboration with the collective on software development, travel reimbursements, and for Riseup’s Tor infrastructure.
We will update this post as the story evolves. For more details, please see publications by other media.
What data is affected, and how?
First of all, here’s a list of things we have strong reason to believe are not affected, and can still be considered safe:
- any Torservers related infrastructure: Tor relays, mail servers, web servers
- any of Riseup’s infrastructure (because we have nothing to do with that)
- cryptoparty.in or other cryptoparty related infrastructure
- PGP keys, SSH keys, OTR keys etc
They seized most of our electronical storage equipment (disks, laptops, PCs, GnuPG Smartcards/Yubikeys), but it is safe to assume that they will not be able to break the encryption (or the smartcards). They also took our mobile phones, but even if they were to break into them, no login data or anything else affecting our infrastructure or communications is stored on those phones.
We nevertheless revoked our shared contact PGP key, and will replace more and more keys and passphrases over time. Our new key is 0x74A312092938F2F0, signed by our previous key.
So, what is affected?
Apart from encrypted media, they had the legal right to seize documents related to our Riseup bank account starting from January 2018. They also went and got those from our bank, the GLS Gemeinschaftsbank. However, we have to keep records and receipts of all expenditures for tax reasons. These documents were “safely” kept in a secure fire-proof safe.
Despite our protests, they additionally seized all printed documents relating to our own and partner projects since the inception of the association in 2011.
This includes highly sensitive personal data of donors, identities of activists that received reimbursements or payments, and a list of our members.
If you have ever donated to Torservers, or Tails or Riseup via a European bank transaction, your data is very likely now in the hands of the German police. (IBAN account number, name of account holder, amount and date)
We did everything in our power to avoid a data breach like this, and are now doing everything we can to fight it:
Our lawyers kindly asked for our equipment back. Most of the equipment does not belong to Zwiebelfreunde, and some of it is not even ours. They refused. We are now going to court over this.
The warrant lists specific items. This was not respected.
We argue that even the original warrants and seizures were clear overreach, and that this was used as an excuse to get access to member data and donor data. We have nothing to do with Riseup’s infrastructure. During the raids, the police forces clearly gave the impression that they knew we had nothing to do with either Riseup or the “ruckus tourist” blog. None of us had even heard of that blog before!
We are grateful for the quick and unbureaucratic financial support by Renewable Freedom Foundation, the logistical support of the Chaos Computer Club, and all the kind offers of help by various communities. Thank you!
If you’re not afraid to donate to accounts that are probably being monitored, you can still do so, at https://www.torservers.net/donate.html.
Press Coverage: English
- 4.7.2018 ZDnet: German police raid homes of Tor-linked group’s board members
- 4.7.2018 Riseup: Bavarian raids
- 4.7.2018 CCC: Police searches homes of „Zwiebelfreunde“ board members as well as „OpenLab“ in Augsburg
- 4.7.2018 BleepingComputer: German Police Accused of Carrying Out Some Pretty Stupid Raids
- 5.7.2018 Naked Security : Tor-linked nonprofit raided by police
Press Coverage: Dutch
- 4.7.2018 security.nl: Inval Duitse politie bij privacystichting raakt TorServers en Tails
- 4.7.2018 tweakers.net: CCC uit kritiek op optreden Duitse politie bij doorzoeking leden Tor-vereniging – IT Pro – Nieuws
Press Coverage: French
Press Coverage: Portugese
- 4.7.2018 Ação policial coordenada contra a associação Zwiebelfreunde em várias localizações na Alemanha
Press Coverage: Japanese
Press Coverage: German
- 4.7.2018 Spiegel Online: Hausdurchsuchungen bei Netzaktivisten: Chaos Computer Club kritisiert Polizeivorgehen
- 4.7.2018 Augsburger Allgemeine: Als der Staatsschutz ins Augsburger “Open Lab” kam
- 4.7.2018 CCC: Hausdurchsuchungen bei Vereinsvorständen der „Zwiebelfreunde“ und im „OpenLab“ Augsburg
- 4.7.2018 Netzpolitik.org: „Zwiebelfreunde“-Durchsuchungen: Wenn Zeugen wie Straftäter behandelt werden
- 4.7.2018 heise: Massive CCC-Kritik an Polizei: Hausdurchsuchung bei Datenschutz-Aktivisten
- 4.7.2018 Golem: Zwiebelfreunde: Polizei durchsucht Räume von Tor-Aktivisten
- 4.7.2018 Fefe’s Blog: “ein vorsätzlicher Terroranschlag der deutschen Behörden gegen unbeteiligte Zivilisten”
- 4.7.2018 Thüringer Allgemeine: Polizeirazzia bei einem Jenaer „Zwiebelfreund“
- 4.7.2018 Sueddeutsche: Hausdurchsuchungen bei Netzaktivisten- Service-News
- 4.7.2018 12:06 Hitradio RTL Sachsen: Generalstaatsanwaltschaft München durchsucht Räume von Zwiebelfreunden Dresden
- 4.7.2018 12:40 finanzen.ch: Zwiebelfreunde: Polizei durchsucht Räume von Tor-Aktivisten
- 4.7.2018 13:57 der Standard: Chaos Computer Club übt scharfe Kritik an Hausdurchsuchungen bei Netzaktivisten
- 4.7.2018 15:20 Die Welt: Hausdurchsuchungen bei Netzaktivisten
- 4.7.2018 15:28 T-Online Digital: Netzaktivisten äußern Kritik an Polizei-Aktion
- 4.7.2018 BR Schwaben: Wegen Spendenaufrufs: Vor AfD-Parteitag: Augsburger Computer –Tüftler in Polizeigewahrsam
- 4.7.2018 16:46 Hannoversche Allgemeine: Zwiebelfreunde: Hausdurchsuchungen bei Netzaktivisten
- 4.7.2018 17:03 Münchner Merkur: Nach Aufruf zur Gewalt bei AfD-Parteitag: Hausdurchsuchung bei Netzaktivisten
- 4.7.2018 Piratenpartei Bayern: Schwere Grundrechtseingriffe bei Zeugen durch Polizei und Staatsanwaltschaft sind nicht hinnehmbar
- 4.7.2018 Die Linke: König-Preuss kritisiert Razzien bei „Zwiebelfreunden“. Fraktion im Thüringer Landtag
- 5.7.2018 10:19 Augsburger Allgemeine: Kommentar Jan Kandzora: Staatsschutz durchsucht Augsburger “Open Lab”: Eine fragwürdige Aktion. “Das OpenLab sollte prüfen lassen, ob die Durchsuchung rechtmäßig war”
- 5.7.2018 11:12 VICE Motherboard: Polizisten gehen rabiat gegen Tor-Aktivisten vor, als sie chemische Formeln in seinem Büro entdecken
- 5.7.2018 Anke Domscheit-Berg: Schutz der Privatsphäre ist ein Grundrecht und kein Verbrechen
- 5.7.2018 Reporter ohne Grenzen: Solidarität mit Netzaktivisten der Zwiebelfreunde
- 5.7.2018 17:12 Thüringen24: Gefahr für AfD durch Fuck-Bomb? Razzia auch in Thüringen
- 5.7.2018 taz: Kommentar Razzien bei Netzaktivisten: Gezielte Einschüchterung
- 5.7.2018 netzpolitik.org: Reporter ohne Grenzen solidarisiert sich mit Zwiebelfreunden
- 4.7.2018 17:44 Radio Z: Bundesweite Hausdurchsuchungen wegen E-Mail-Adresse (interview)
- 5.7.2018 12:25 Radio Dreyeckland/Chaosradio Freiburg: Beschlagnahme bei Riseup, Tor und Tails Support Netzwerk und CCC nahen Openlab in Augsburg (interview)
On a remarqué que depuis hier soir, les données d’Ingérop (sous-traitant du projet Cigéo) ne sont plus accessibles sur Internet. D’après plusieurs articles de la presse allemande, et notamment celui-ci : https://netzpolitik.org/2018/razzia-in-dortmund-cybercrime-abteilung-durchsucht-webhoster/ (en allemand), l’hébergeur des données (Systemausfall) a subi hier à 20h une perquisition de la police allemande à Dortmund. La perquisition aurait été justifiée par l’hébergement de données provenant d’une entreprise française, notamment des plans de prisons françaises et de la centrale nucléaire de Fessenheim.
En réponse à la perquisition, la version allemande de la plateforme Indymedia a publié un appel à une manifestation ce soir à 19h à Dortmund : https://de.indymedia.org/node/22591 (en allemand). On y apprend notamment que la perquisition a touché de nombreux autres groupes et associations qui avaient leurs locaux sur place (les flics allemands en auraient profité).
Solidarité avec les personnes touchées par cette perquisition.