Une amie en france….
Catégorie :

Thèmes :

Je suis desolé, mon français est très, très mal.
Je m’appelle Leah et je suis une anarchiste active des Etats-Unis. J’habite en
Londres maintenant et je voyagerai en France de 23 marche à 4 avril. J’aimerais
rencontrer d’autres anarchistes en France. Je suis très flexible et je voudrais
des suggestions si vous savez d’auberges de jeunesse qui ne sont pas cher. Je
sais très peu de France. Merci beaucoup, j’espère que nous parlerons bientôt.
En l’anglais:
Hi guys,
My name’s Leah and I’m an active anarchist from the states, currently living in
London. I am going to be travelling through France from March 23rd until April
4th and I have no idea where to go or what to do. I’d like to meet other
anarchists there because it’s always good to meet other anarchists and I want
to see what’s happening in communities throughout Europe…maybe exchange some
ideas. If you know of cheap hostels or could recommend places to go and things
to do, I’d really appreciate it. I know very little about France and as you’ve
seen above, my french is shit. I’m under a bit of a time restraint since I may
need to book a flight within the next week. Please feel free to pass this
letter on to anyone you think might be able to help me out or could offer some
advice. Thanks so much and hopefully I’ll talk to you soon.
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