Suède : halte aux expulsions d’opposants iranien
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Thèmes :

Navid Mirpourzadeh a été arrêté le 2 août. Le gouvernement suédois souhaite l’expulser. Navid est le coordinateur en Suède de l’International Coalition for the Rights of Iranian Refugees (ICRIR) qui s’occupe justement des réfugiés politiques iraniens.
Navid Mirpourzadeh a été arrêté le 2 août. Le gouvernement suédois souhaite l’expulser. Navid est le coordinateur en Suède de l’International Coalition for the Rights of Iranian Refugees (ICRIR) qui s’occupe justement des réfugiés politiques iraniens.
Peyman Najafi a une histoire bien documentée de militantisme contre la République Islamique ; par exemple, c’est un militant du Mouvement Démocratique Yarsan, et il a écrit de nombreux textes contre le régime en tant que membre de cette organisation. Il tient également un blog où il a publié ses textes contre la République Islamique d’Iran. Son expulsion est programmée pour le 12 août et le gouvernement suédois a d’ores et déjà acheté le billet d’avion à destination de Téhéran.
Les militants opposants au régime sont généralement accusés de propagande contre le régime et de moharebeh, ce qui est passible de la peine de mort en Iran. Il faut ajouter que la République Islamique considère tous les demandeurs d’asile iraniens comme des criminels, considérant leur demande d’asile comme un acte de propagande contre le régime. La République Islamique a à plusieurs reprises déclaré (et montré qu’elle le faisait) son intention de poursuivre les demandeurs d’asile de retour en Iran sur la base de l’article 7 du code pénal de la République Islamique. Pour donner un exemple, Rahim Rostami,un adolescent kurde demandeur d’asile, renvoyé en Iran depuis la Norvège, a immédiatement été arrêté. Peyman a demandé l’asile politique et pour cette raison, sous le République Islamique, est menacé de poursuites par le régime.
Il appartient à toutes les personnes et organisations à travers le monde à se mobiliser et à interpeller les autorités suédoises pour empêcher ces expulsions qui signifieraient l’arrestation, la torture et probablement une condamnation à mort de ces deux opposants.
Que faire ?
Interpeller l’ambassade de Suède en France
Ambassade de Suède 17, rue Barbet-de-Jouy 75007 Paris Tél :+33-(0)1 44 18 88 00 Fax :+33-(0)1 44 18 88 40
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Interpeller les autorités suédoises, vous trouverez les adresses et des lettres types en cliquant sur les liens suivants :…adih/
Courriers adressés au nom du syndicat CGT ADDSEA :
A l’Ambassade de Suède :
Objet : Situation de messieurs Navid Mirpourzadeh (numéro de dossier : 112408447) et Peyman Najafi (numéro de dossier : 1346710).
Monsieur l’Ambassadeur,
Il y a quelques semaines, bien des personnes autour du monde s’était mobilisées au sujet de Sanan Ashrafi, réfugié politique iranien dont l’expulsion depuis la Suède a heureusement été annulée.
Ce sont désormais deux autre réfugiés iraniens qui sont en danger de mort si votre pays les expulse : Navid Mirpourzadeh (numéro de dossier : 112408447) et Peyman Najafi (numéro de dossier : 1346710).
J’espère sincèrement que ces expulsions seront elles aussi annulées et que vous voudrez bien transmettre à votre gouvernement que la mobilisation en France ne faiblit pas.
Je crains enfin qu’avec la répétition de tels dossiers ce soit l’image même de la Suède auprès des militants des droits humains qui commence à être atteinte.
Bien sincèrement,
Pour la CGT ADDSEA, Délégué Syndical CGT ADDSEA
Aux autorités suédoises et en particulier à Monsieur Tobias Billström, ministre de l’immigration de Suède :
Pour Peyman Najafi :
I am writing to you to demand an immediate halt to the deportation of Iranian Peyman Najafi, an Iranian asylum-seeker who has sought refuge in Sweden from persecution by the Islamic Republic of Iran (case no. 1346710).
Peyman has a well-documented history of activism against the Islamic Republic. He is an activist with the Yarsan Democratic Movement, and has written published literature against the regime in his role as a member of that organization. He also maintains a blog where he publishes his literature against the Islamic Republic of Iran. Anti-regime activists are usually charged with propagating against the regime and moharebeh, which carries the death sentence in Iran.
The Islamic Republic considers all Iranian political asylum-seekers to be criminals, deeming their quest for asylum as propagating against the regime. The Islamic Republic has on several occasions declared and applied its intent to prosecute returned political asylum-seekers, on the basis of Article 7 of the Islamic Republic’s Penal Code. Rahim Rostami, a teenaged Kurdish asylum-seeker returned to Iran by Norway and immediately imprisoned is one such example. Peyman has sought political asylum and therefore, under the Islamic Republic, is subject to prosecution by the regime.
It is illegal under international law for any country including Sweden to deport a person who has a legitimate fear of persecution in their home country. It is therefore undeniably illegal under international law for the Swedish government to participate in the crime of deporting Peyman Najafi to Iran, where he will be detained, tortured, and possibly executed if he is returned to the blood-soaked hands of the Islamic Republic.
The Swedish government has repeatedly violated the rights of asylum-seekers. On September 3, 2010, in the case of R. c. v. Sweden (application no. 41827/07), the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg found that deporting an Iranian dissident to Iran would be a violation by the Swedish authorities of Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, “No one shall be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.”
Yet despite this finding, the Swedish government continues to illegally attempt to deport Iranian activists like Navid Mirpourzadih, Sanan Ashrafi, Marzieh Kamangar, Mehdi Maleki, Keivan Soufastaei, and others, all of whom are clearly and undeniably at risk not only of detention and torture by the Islamic Republic of Iran, but at unquestionable risk of execution.
We demand an urgent, immediate halt to Sweden’s intended illegal refoulement of Peyman Najafi, who is at clear risk of execution if returned to the Islamic Republic. Given the the Migration Office’s blatant, repeated violations of international law regarding refugee rights, risking the lives of Iranian and other asylum-seekers, we demand that Sweden must not only immediately halt the illegal deportation of Peyman Najafi, but must immediately cease all deportations to Iran.
For the CGT ADDSEA Union (Besançon, France)
Pour Navid Mirpourzadih :
I am writing to you to demand an immediate halt to the deportation of Navid Mirpourzadih, an Iranian asylum-seeker who has sought refuge in Sweden from persecution by the Islamic Republic of Iran (case no. 112408447). Navid should be immediately released from detention and granted political asylum as is his right under international law.
1) Navid has a well-documented history of activism against the Islamic Republic. He is an activist with Mission Free Iran, an organization that explicitly supports the downfall of the Islamic Republic regime in Iran. Navid has been visibly active organizing against the regime in Sweden, coordinating several demonstrations against the regime. He has also been a prominent defender of the rights of asylum-seekers to asylum, protection, and their right not to be sent back to a regime that is executing people daily.
As is well-known by the Swedish government, anti-regime activists are usually charged with propagating against the regime and moharebeh, which carries the death sentence in Iran.
Navid’s brother, a labor-rights activist, was executed by the regime. Navid himself was detained and tortured by the same regime. Navid fled for his life to Sweden, seeking asylum, which is his right. Yet the right-wing Swedish government has illegally decided to detain him in preparation for his deportation. I do not accept this.
2) The Islamic Republic considers all Iranian political asylum-seekers to be criminals, deeming their quest for asylum as propagating against the regime. The Islamic Republic has on several occasions declared and applied its intent to prosecute returned political asylum-seekers, on the basis of Article 7 of the Islamic Republic’s Penal Code. Rahim Rostami, a teenaged Kurdish asylum-seeker returned to Iran by Norway and immediately imprisoned is one such example. Navid Mirpourzadih has sought political asylum and therefore, under the Islamic Republic, is subject to prosecution by the regime.
3) It is illegal under international law for any country including Sweden to deport a person who has a legitimate fear of persecution in their home country. It is therefore undeniably illegal under the same international law for the Swedish government to participate in the crime of deporting Navid Mirpoourzadih to Iran, where he will be detained, tortured, and likely executed if he is returned to the blood-soaked hands of the Islamic Republic.
Nevertheless, the Swedish government has repeatedly violated the rights of asylum-seekers. On September 3, 2010, in the case of R. c. v. Sweden (application no. 41827/07), the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg found that deporting an Iranian dissident to Iran would be a violation by the Swedish authorities of Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, “No one shall be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.”
Yet despite this finding, the Swedish government continues to illegally attempt to deport Iranian activists like Navid Mirpourzadih, Sanan Ashrafi, Marzieh Kamangar, Mehdi Maleki, Keivan Soufastaei, and others, all of whom are clearly and undeniably at risk not only of detention and torture by the Islamic Republic of Iran, but at unquestionable risk of execution.
We demand an urgent, immediate halt to Sweden’s intended illegal refoulement of Navid Mirpourzadih, who is at clear risk of execution if returned to the Islamic Republic. Given the the Migration Office’s blatant, repeated violations of international law regarding refugee rights, risking the lives of Iranian and other asylum-seekers, we demand that Sweden must not only immediately halt the illegal deportation of Navid Mirpourzadih, but must immediately cease all deportations to Iran.
For the CGT ADDSEA Union…iens/
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