….What you don’t know is that knee replacement is usually a one way ticket out of here, for very few people survive the failure of those joints, especially if they are hinged joints. The bone in the area of the replacement joint is dead, and after approximately eight years, it breaks like a dead tree branch, resulting in the release of massive amounts of blood and death within hours.
What kind of proof do you get if there are scams everywhere? Do you thinik that there is valid scientific proof backing up anything promoted by the medical or pharmeceutical industries? It’s all about money. « For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. »(2 Tim. 4:3) That’s all that it takes to promote falsehoods. A large number of dumkopfs to back them up. « Every mouth is speaking foolishness. »(Is. 9:17) « Beware of your friends; do not trust anyone in your clan. For every one of them is a deceiver, and every friend a slanderer. Friend deceives friend, and no one speaks the truth.They have taught their tongues to lie; they weary themselves with sinning. You live in the midst of deception; in their deceit they refuse to acknowledge me, » declares the Lord. » (Jer. 9:4-6).
Orthopedics has come a long ways since Dr. Delahay’s quackpot assistant twisted my leg in the Emergency Room at Georgetown Medical Center (6/3/95) to break a hairline fracture in my knee in order to prove to me that it was broken. Now they are probably the most pathological branch of medicine. GHW Bush says that they are murdering anyone who tries to interfere with what they are doing. I suspected that most of these knee replacements have been publically promoted by some universally advertised health care product, particularly Vitamin D and calcium supplements.The following info is taken from Professional Guide to Diseases Seventh Edition. Hypervitaminosis D – Have you been taking a lot of Vit. D and/or calcium? Too much Vit. D promotes calcium absorbtion, leading to hypercalcemia, which results in the calcification of soft tissue. That may cause a grating sensation in the knees, and the Knee Replacement Specialist will try to convince you  that you need to have your knee replaced, for the cartilage in the knee is calcifying. Recovery from Vitaminosis D is a gradual process; thus it would probably take weeks or months to remove excess D from the body via pure water and Vit. C.
Yeah there’s fifty other ways that they will try to kill you, but what they like best is ways that you don’t recognize like calcium, dumping calcium everywhere, especially in the water, for Merck’s Medical Manual says: « Hypercalcemia often causes no symptoms. The earliest symptoms are usually constipation, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and loss of appetite. People may excrete abnormally large amounts of urine, resulting in dehydration and increased thirst. Very severe hypercalcemia often causes brain dysfunction with confusion, emotional disturbances, delirium, hallucinations, and coma. (« Be ever hearing, but never understanding; be ever seeing, but never perceiving. Make the heart of this people calloused; make their ears dull and close their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts, and turn and be healed. » (Is. 6:9-10)).
Muscle weakness may occur, and abnormal heart rhythms and death can follow. Long-term or severe hypercalcemia commonly results in kidney stones containing calcium. Less commonly, kidney failure develops, but it usually resolves with treatment. However, if enough calcium accumulates within the kidneys, damage is irreversible. » (Note that there is no mention of the calcification of the cartilage of your joints!)  See: « Orthopedic Knees for a Slightly Higher Fee » http://bobbymeade.blog.co.uk/2013/01/26/orthopedic-knees-for-a-slightly-higher-fee-15468187/ http://www.indymedia.us/en/2013/01/52330.shtml . One of the ways that they convince people to submit to knee replacement is to promote calcification of the cartilage which produces a grinding noise in the joint, and I suspect that the practice of using Dietary Aloe may be one of the ways that they promote calcification of the knee. Aloe is a botanical medicine, a powerful laxative used to treat ulcers and kidney stones. When it is used as a dietary supplement, I believe that it mimics the effects of scurvy and results in calcium accumulating in the knee joints, for it is written that scurvy affects the knees first. From Dietary Aloe Promo: « Recent clinical studies demonstrated improved wellness benefits in healthy individuals such as improved absorbtion of nutrients. » Maybe if they ate a tablespoon of calcium or sulfur, they might understand nutrients better.
I think that it is hypercalcemia brought on by hypervitaminosis D and/or excess calcium in the air or water that has led to the large number of knee replacements. Information on this affliction has been surpressed to an extreme, and it was probably in the Professional Guide by ‘accident ». I am presuming that calcification of soft tissue also pertains to the calcification of the cartilage of articulating surfaces of the knee, and the people behind this scheme would have never let that be published if it did mention that. I was always wondering why the mainstream media was focusing on Vit. D etc. when we were all becoming a pack of « scurvy dogs ». Hitler probably brainwashed you into eating that acidic California produce to the point that I bet that you would eat plastic fruit if California sent it to you. We are becoming a pack of « scurvy dogs » by ignoring the benifits of Vit. C. As I have written, Vit. C works by serving as a « chelator », removing and/or neutralizing toxic substances and by preventing bacteria from entering the bloodstream, and chewable Vit. C is probably the most effective way to use it. http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/releases/12154.php . In light of the host of other illnesses arising from hypercalcemia, keep in mind that some other hypocrite who has taken the Hippocratic Oath will figure out some other way to send you to an early grave.
I believe that the failure of hinged knee joints is usually fatal because the bone breaks at the cut ends of the bones, for the periosteum has been destroyed for several inches from the cut ends; thus that section of bone is dead. The periosteum is vital to bone health, supplying blood and nerves to the bone. It is also the site where the bone grows in diameter. When I determined that the average life span of those having their knees replaced with hinged joints was eight years, I concluded that the cut ends of the bones break after that long in the same way as a dead branch on a healthy tree breaks easily after having been dead for a few years. When these ;bones break, the arteries and veins are most likely torn, resulting in the release of massive amounts of blood into the knee area. Since there is no periosteum, the blood flow is not restricted by the periosteum as it usually is when a bone breaks. Shock and coma probably occur within minutes.
There is no end to how far they will go to mess you up. They are the Nicolaitans, also known as the Bush Nazis (a.) & (c.), Samaria, or Devil worshippers, and never forget that God also hates the practices of the Nicolaitans.(Rev. 2:6,15)  Yes they dump a lot of nicotine: « Nicotine can be absorbed from guts, lungs, and skin. Ingestion of small amounts of nicotine, a bitter-tasting compound, causes vomiting, nausea, headaches, salivation, abdominal cramps, stomach pains, agitation, a rapid weak pulse, and bowel and bladder evacuation. Larger amounts cause convulsions, extreme weakness, confusion, paralysis, coma, respiratory arrest, and death. » In the medical profession these Nicolaitans are registered to kill by Hitler’s Number Three Nazi, Nicky, ( http://ulsterpublishingmessageboard.yuku.com/topic/544/Nazi-Covenant-With-Hell-are-We-at-Agreement-516 see comments). Nicky was Chairman of the Board that validated certification and registered all doctors for the Southeren Tier of New York. Even if he is not there now, I’m sure that he filled that Board with Nazis, and that probably gave Nazis control of medicine throughout the United States.  Or you might « …let some preselected doctor (Registered with the Devil! Certified in Hell!) stick his finger up your posterior and poke your swollen prostate, resulting in his or her diagnosing you with prostate cancer, which is usually bacteria infections arising from the dirty needle they stuck up your rectum to perforate your prostate while doing a biopsy. (Is. 9:17; Ps. 14:3) », Same goes for all cancers, they are usually bacteria infections brought on by the invasive procedures (biopsies) used to detect the alleged cancers. And be careful! If they catch you reading this, they might « thrax » you: i.e. dumped lots of anthrax on you to convince you that you were sick, stupid, or both. http://www.midiaindependente.org/en/red/2009/12/459737.shtml
Or is your bioterror coming via The Plague of Parasitic Mites? I believe that there are over 30 major illnesses caused by these parasitic mites. September 2012: « Note how the West Nile Virus is spreading in so many states. I bet that the same culprits breeding Parasitic Mites (lethal weapons) at the universities are also breeding the mosquitoes that cause WNV. I also suspect that the medical profession’s treatment of WNV infections promotes paralysis etc. more than the mosquito bite does. 9/14 N. Tex. is revealed as the epicenter of WNV. » http://www.ecuador.indymedia.org/es/2012/07/39096.shtml http://www.boston.indymedia.org/newswire/display/215614/index.php
(These posts should always be accessible. They were posted on @ 20 IMC sites, but the Bush Nazis were the only ones who could obtain control to these sites. Thus many critical posts are lost to the public forever.)
Yeah they have been « given power to rule until God’s words are fulfilled » (Rev. 17:17) Sure these Bush Nazis can do anything that they put their twisted brains to! « That is why they continue to do things that they know are worthy of death. Now as the « fruit of their schemes », the nations shall know that God gave them into the hands of their adversaries, and they fell all of them by the sword. In other words, when you dispatch these idiotic Zionist Nazis, you must cut off their heads, for they are the Holy-wannabes of Israel, and their heads are the idols of Israel. They have been behaving like they are « God on earth », calling good evil and evil good. » (Jer. 2:11; Rom. 1:32; Jer. 6:19; Ez. 39:23; Ps. 63:10; Ps. 12:3; Is. 5:15,20; Hosea 6:2; Mic. 7:8-9; Ez. 36:26) That was from Footnote (d.) That is the only acceptable was to set matters straight. It becomes a religious matter, and nobody is going to try to stop you if it may cost them their heads. Better do it before your brain sodifies! « Oo Ee Oo Ah Ah! Ting Tang Walla Walla Bing Bang » « It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. »(Is. 55:11) Thus Samaria « will be among the first to go into exile; »(Amos 6:7)
FOOTNOTES (In case you came in late.)
(a.) Nazi – The Nazis are the Niggardly Asinine Zionist Idiots, arising from the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion and the Plans of the Synagogue of Satan. Most of them do not know that they are Nazis. Satan’s servants appear as preachers of righteousness. (2 Cor. 11:14) Sweet people!. People like that did the Potato Famine, the Wisconsin Death Trip, the Spanish Flu, the Holocaust, and much more. If you had read the Plans of the Synagogue of Satan, you would understand that most of the Israelites in the Middle East are Turko-Mongol Jews. Keep in mind that they are also intent on dividing and conquering; thus you can’t feel sorry for anyone when the SERPENT is on all sides. (Foolproof plan of the SERPENT is that the HEAD doesn’t know what the TAIL is doing, and the TAIL doesn’t know what the HEAD is doing; thus you can’t find them guilty. (Zech. 11:5)) These Turko-Mongols came from Attila the Hun and Genghis Khan, and both those tribes actively promoted inbreeding. They worship stupidity. The Nazis are the ones who are destroying IMCs everywhere in order to suppress this information. The destruction of Indymedia sites happens because IMC is the only site where one can effectively oppose big business, Hitler’s Health Care, government corruption, or the SERPENT that is Zionism. In fulfilling God’s prophecy that these Nazis will have eyes that do not see and ears that do not hear, Hitler probably promoted BAAL worship as described in (c.) below. (Jer. 5:21, Ez. 12:2) These Nazis boast, « We have entered into a covenant with death, with the grave we have made an agreement. When an overwhelming scourge sweeps by, it cannot touch us, for we have made a lie our refuge and falsehood our hiding place. » (Is. 28:15) That is what makes them continue their destructive practices. They are continually being promised that that nobody is going to do anything about it and that they will be killed if they don’t keep doing it. As a result of this, they will all disappear when they fall into a trap that they have set for their own lives by doing things that are worthy of death. (Prov. 11:19, 14:12, Rom. 1:32) From Boston IMC post: Hey Boston! I suspect that Bush’s blowfish have surrounded me with convicted sex offenders here! Nicky says that they are harmless nonviolent perverts. You could do the same. Place ads for library employment in prison newsletters. How can you lose? Conf. to British blowfish: Is that how you do it over there? Stock the libraries with Nazi dunces? You’re all pretty stupid. I bet your librarians are serial killers. northern.indymedia.org/articles/750
(b.) God talks to us via the Holy Spirit which He says, « …will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment: in regard to sin, because men do not believe in me; in regard to righteousness, because I am going to the Father, where you can see me no longer; and in regard to judgment, because the prince of this world now stands condemned…. when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on His own; He will speak only what He hears, and He will tell you what is yet to come. He will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and making it known to you. » (John 16:8-14) Inspiration comes the same way. It grabs you when you happen upon something that you know is worth pursuing. Also you should read the clouds! His power is in the sky! (Ps. 68:34) If you ask the Spirit any worthy question and the answer is « yes », check the clouds, and you will see a « Y » or « Yes ». I have laid my life on the line every day to do my best to ensure that every word I say is true? It is not worth checking any books for knowledge that I have obtained from them, for the Nazis usually destroy those books, and they would know what you were looking for before you did and target you for seeking such info. God’s Spirit will confirm any knowledge that I have relayed to you. I am His witness. I am His messenger. (Rev. 11; Is. 42:19) « You feel thafe? » « And way when our year has ended, and I have gone away, you’ll often speak about me. And this is what you’ll say;.. » « Gee! Thafe Thaviour sure saved a lot of dumb boys! » (Acts 5:39; Rev. 19:13; 12:11; Hosea 6:5; Jer. 5:14; Is. 63:1-6) To these dumkopfs that keep saying that I am supposed to turn back: All who rage against me will surely be ashamed and disgraced; those who oppose me will be as nothing and perish. (Is. 41:11; 42:19; Rev. 11) For 20 years I have always had « The Lord’s » on my hand or one of my gloves. Do you know what that is all about? That means that it will only take one person and The Word of God to ensure that His words do not return to Him empty. (Is. 44:5; 55:11) « I revealed myself to those who did not ask for me; I was found by those who did not seek me. » (Is. 65:1) Hear, O earth: I am bringing disaster on this people, the fruit of their schemes, because they have not listened to my words! Very well then, with foreign lips and strange tongues God will speak to this people, »I am bringing a distant nation against you an ancient and enduring nation, a people whose language you do not know, whose speech you do not understand. » (Jer. 6:19; Is. 28:11; Jer. 5:15) I bet these people are going to come and get you to sign over your house to them then they are going to get rid of you for having supported the inanity and lethal practices of the Bush Nazis. « Who has believed our message and to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed? » (Is. 53:1) You? That « arm » appears in the clouds too! Keep in mind that « It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. » (Hebrews 10:31) In regard to what is said about there being a « rapture », the Lord’s people will be gathered to Him via images in the clouds; i.e. they will probably be instructed to go to Jerusalem. « At that time men will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory. » (Mk. 13:26; Matt. 24:30)
(c.) Bush dumkopfs – Bush BAAL Worship; A Nation of Bush Imps – As revealed in my Bush Daddy Religion article of 2002, the BAALs are Bush’s Asinine Anal Lovers. GHW Bush says that he has been eating feces (coprophagia) for 70 years. 70 years of brushing people off, saying he is too Gad damn important to talk to anyone and killing anyone who questions his stupidity. He and all his Bush Nazis have replaced the sulphurous fire of the Bible with feces(Gen.19:24 Lev.18:21; Ez.20:26; Is.13:16); i.e. the secret « power food » of the Moabites of Sh*ttim. (Numbers25:1-4) It fries their brains! If these Nazis can’t fry your brains with feces or bile duct toxins one way or another, there are probably a number of other ways that they do it. For example, I suspect that they believe that the drug Prolixin permanently impairs intelligence. or Phenothiazine the pesticide form of that drug. GHW Bush fried W’s brain @ 55 years ago. They can’t feel emotions! They can cry on the spot. They say that is proof that they feel emotions. (Is.41:23-24) I suspect that imp look might be a sign that person had his or her brains fried at an early age. My dictionary: imp = Devil’s offspring. This imp look might very well be the « look on their faces that betrays them ». (Is. 3:9) Once they have had their brains fried, it is an easy matter to manipulate them into doing evil. Since the folly of fools is deception, maybe the impish look is the result of a stiff-necked people having been taught to put on a bold front. (Prov. 14:8; 21:29; Jer. 7:26) That is, as soon as anyone questions them, they probably start thinking of the evil that their compatriots have planned for anyone who questions their imps. CAN THE IMPS BE SAVED? With God all things are possible. (Matt. 19:26) Keep in mind that wisdom brightens the face and changes a hard appearance. (Eccl. 8:1) ) By supporting Bush Nazis, you have set a trap for your own lives. These kind caring Bush Nazis, feigning distress and regret 24/7 and talking terror are posing as angels of light, i.e. the Devil. (2Cor.11:14) Do you wonder why everyone appears to be « senseless and without knowledge »? (Jer. 10:14) These Bush Nazis publish and repeat senseless falsehoods to you until you are convinced that they are true. Of course they will also tell you themselves how smart they are. « Friend deceives friend, and no one speaks the truth ». (Jer.9:5) That explains why there is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death. (Prov.14:12, Is.28:21; 29:14; Jer.8:9; Hab.1:5,Ps.37:10) Have you been listening to the Bush Nazis and heeding their requests to support falsehoods? Then you have probably set a trap for your own life. (Prov.5:21-23; 11:5,19; 16:4; 28:10, Jer. 18:22) All of modern society seems to have been built on the professed intelligence and the professed authoritiy of brainless Nazis. They are able to this because they have a lot of morons backing them up. They have made falsehood their hiding place. (Is. 28:15) Whoever knows God recognizes the Holy Spirit and the spirit of falsehood. (1 John 4:6) God will reject everyone who loves and practices falsehood. (Rev. 22:15) Thus we are told to avoid such godless chatter. (2 Tim. 2:16) These fools keep saying, « Let God hurry and do His work so we can see it! », and they are never going to see it. (Is.5:19, Jer.9:22) As you should know, « those who complain will accept instruction. » (Is. 29:24) « Let me take you down cause I’m going to Strawberry Fields! » (If you doubt that anything that I say about them is true, keep in mind the following excerpt from Holy Smoke, entry dated 4/7/07 and based on my Rigging the Messenger article of 2001: « If you don’t believe what I say about Bush Daddy (GHW Bush) saying such stuff, consider that he wears an electronic bracelet a la « Dick Tracy » that broadcasts via his audio-visual cortex whatever he says, hears, or thinks to me via the computer chip that they implanted in me at Georgetown Medical Center 6/3/95 after they broke a hairline fracture in the Emergency Room. In fulfillment of God’s word, the sin of his mouth lets him be trapped in his pride (Ps. 59:12; Prov. 12:13; 13:13), proving that he is the « son of perdition », the « man of lawlessness » (2 Thess. 2:3) Do you doubt the truth of 9/11 as has been transmitted to you from Bush Daddy’s own mouth and ears? Do you hesitate to fulfill the Sovereign Lord’s words against them? How long will you serve the Bush Nazi god, i.e. their stupidity? (Deut. 13:6-9) » (10/19 These Bushes have never been convicted of a crime because anyone who tries to file a charge is immediately « neutralized ».) That chip broadcasts everything from and to me via the audio-visual cortex of my body and infrared radiation emanating from and being received by the Eagle Stealth helicoptors that have dogged my steps 24/7 for 14 years now. I bet that Hitler’s Health Care now attaches a computer chip that cannot broadcast as mine does to any implant made into the body; thus they can monitor a person’s thoughts and speech and set traps and/or waylay them on the basis of the information that they have obtained. (Jer. 5:26; Ps. 64:6 (NWT of Scriptures calls it a « shrewd device »)) 8/27 Along with every other detrimental thing that can be thrown at me, those Eagle helicoptors have been broadcasting those mites at me and my bike everywhere that I go. They don’t really broadcast them, but they shoot them in pellets that dissolve as they approach the target. Ask these brainless pilots if they can fly those coptors without their fingers. 6/3/2010 Today makes fifteen years that I have been enduring the brainless chatter of the Bush fools who say that I am supposed to go crazy because their drivel has never failed to drive people nuts. 8/20 Note that the immortal « Fear God… » paragraph that created Israel has been updated to include; « George Herbert Walker Bush, the uncrowned king of Babylon, the son of perdition, i.e. the lawless Jacob must die so that he can become the Great Dead King of Israel… » (Is. 14:4-22; Mic. 1:5; 2 Thess. 2:3-8; Hosea 10:3,15) He will be destroyed by the word of God; which becomes a « sword » when used properly, and God has « made my mouth like a sharpened sword ». (Is. 49:2; Rev. 2:16; Is. 11:4) 8/26 Even though every thing that I say is broadcasted, the Bush Nazis tell their followers not to listen to me. One of the reasons they do this is so that they can « steal my ideas » and profess intelligence, saying that it was their idea. Another reason is so they can say stuff like « He can’t hear. He can’t do anything about it. » 12/7 As with all members of the SERPENT, GHW Bush says that no one is ever going to be able to prove anything about him because no one is ever going to be able to really talk to him; i.e. he « ..speaks cordially to his neighbour, but in his heart he sets a trap for him. »(Jer. 9:8) 1/3/11 GHW Bush’s Eagle Helicoptors are bioterror stealth aircraft. It is not legal to fly such an aircraft yet they have dogged my steps for 16 years and thrown tons of chemicals, hundreds of pounds of anthrax, and pounds of insects at me. It has a military star on it; thus they fly around, posing as the US Military. Tell President Obama to ground those aircraft, and at least disable their bioterror capabilities. « The first was like a lion, and it had the wings of an eagle. I watched until its wings were torn off… »(Dan. 7:4) 1/13 GHW Bush cuts off all my attempts to communicate with people; thus I can only reach people once or twice via computer. If I write, they would intercept it and say that was proof I was harassing someone.(Ps. 88:8) 1/18 GHW Bush joked that the military was using the One for Bush song from the Facebook link above to broadcast while bringing those Eagles down. Have determined that when I saw GHW Bush strolling around Cornell campus @ 2001, he was there to see which students would oppose or support him. Since he would walk around without identifying himself, he was being a Public Nuisance, for he would probably only identify himself to those who he liked. 6/30/11 – In the ’90s a Chinook helicoptor kept circling my house in DC with a group of men, holding a GHW Bush dummy in the doorway like they were going to throw him out. Last night it was ascertained that was supposed to be the USPO showing us what happens when Bush wouldn’t stop interfering with the mail and email and stealing posts on websites. I’m not making this up, and this is not some controversial detail about Bush that he has revealed to me himself so that his compatriots can raise a ruckus about it and coerce you into removing this post. 9/22/12 GHW Bush says that he is terrified of Illumination Flares that will expose his stealth helicoptors at night. 1/8/13 I saw a doppler radar blip of the Eagle stealth helicoptor that covered hundreds of square miles. It seem like radar can be set to pick up the infrared too.

(d.) Has a nation ever changed its gods? Sure these Bush Nazis can do anything that they put their sh*t-eaten brains to! That is why they continue to do things that they know are worthy of death. Now as the « fruit of their schemes », the nations shall know that God gave them into the hands of their adversaries, and they fell all of them by the sword. In other words, when you dispatch these idiotic Zionist Nazis, you must cut off their heads, for they are the Holy-wannabes of Israel, and their heads are the idols of Israel. They have been behaving like they are « God on earth », calling good evil and evil good. Rest assured that God’s words back them up in their efforts to become His people, for God says that after two days He will revive them; on the third day He will restore them, that they may live in His presence. Tell them that though they have fallen, they will rise and that God has promised them a new heart. Because they have sinned against Him, they will bear the LORD’s wrath, until He pleads their case. Via these Bush Nazi Idols, God’s salvation will be carried to the ends of the earth. … The Bush Nazi Idols decribed above are the « key » to this Kingdom. Whether you are an immigrant or not, you just cut off the Bush Nazi’s head and claim his or her house, saying they will be back in a few days. Their heads will probably end up in Hooterville where they will bear the LORD’s wrath, until He pleads their case and establishes their right. Here I also thought that I was posting on Lancasteronline (another Bush Nazi site?), but it turns out that I was posting and proclaiming salvation from the « mountainous region of Ephraim »(Scranton area: Appalachian Mts.), for I am also « a voice from Dan ». (Jer. 2:11; Rom. 1:32; Jer. 6:19; Ez. 39:23; Ps. 63:10; Ps. 12:3; Is. 5:15,20; Hosea 6:2; Mic. 7:8-9; Ez. 36:26; Is. 49:6; Deut. 28:30; Lam. 5:2; Amos 5:11; Jer. 4:15) 12/15 Before you send these heads off to Hooterville, which you should know is on mountaintops all over the earth, you will probably want to pin their lips to their ears to put a smile on their face then put them under a sunlamp to take a picture for the records; thus you will be able to say something like, « Don’t it look like he’s having fun? He must be in South America! He’ll be back in a few days. » Don’t want to do that? Maybe you can find some Deadhead to do it. I was always wondering what they were here for. Deadhead – « He ain’t dead! His stupidity will live forever! » 9/11 « Don’t he look Spanish! I bet he was one of those Shining Path guerillas! » 5/18 Change of plans regarding this « change of gods » brought to you by CYRUS – « These heads are the heads of the people who stumbled and fell trying to get the Temple of the Lord and Sarah and Jennifer built in Jerusalem; i.e. they are the idols of Israel, Holy Nation. » « Those who are wise will instruct many, though for a time they will fall by the sword or be burned or captured or plundered. When they fall, they will receive a little help, and many who are not sincere will join them. Some of the wise will stumble, so that they may be refined, purified and made spotless until the time of the end. » (Dan. 11:33-35) (For complete blog and/or Footnotes: See http://www.brobubbabob.wordpress.com (copy and exit, won’t stop downloading, so watch the indicator in right column until it indicates there is no more coming.) http://destinationbangormaine.blogspot.com is a partial blog.)