French Refugee Aid Organization-Alsace-Moselle Section                                     OFAR Alsace-Moselle

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FACT SHEET OFAR Alsace-Moselle






The French Organization for Aid to Refugees / Alsace-Moselle was created on 10 August 2018 in Strasbourg (Grand-Est, France), in accordance with the provisions of Articles 21 to 79-IV of the local civil code . It has administrative and financial autonomy, including the freedom to initiate actions, vis-à-vis the parent association: the French Refugee Assistance Organization (OFAR), which was created in 2014 in Paris, France.


responsible  :

President: Mr MAHESHE NDOOLE Nicolas and the

Director General: Mr LUANDA SHANDWE N’Sii


Contact with OFAR Alsace-Moselle : Chez M. MAHESHE NDOOLE Nicolas, 1 Place de Haldenbourg-67200 STRASBOURG, France – Tel: – Tel .: +33 (0) 7 58 63 83 29 and +33 (0) 75 41 53 955 . 

Email: @





1. Promote and protect the human rights of refugees, migrants and stateless persons, and

2.A pporter emergency, humanitarian and sustainable to them in France and around the world.





1-Reception and administrative support and housing of asylum seekers, and administrative domiciliation for these;

2-Providing medical and social assistance to asylum seekers: underwear, medical care, laundry, hearty meals, etc .;



The French Refugee Aid Organization / Alsace-Moselle


3-Providing assistance to recognized refugees for their socio-professional reintegration, including family reunification or reunification for family members of recognized refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection and stateless persons;


4-Provides legal aid to asylum seekers who are in detention and not, including asylum at the border;


5-Providing assistance to refugees recognized in a third country for their resettlement in France or in another host country and their reintegration;


6-Providing assistance to any candidate for voluntary return to his country of origin or nationality or protection, among recognized or rejected refugees, and asylum-seekers who have been re-instated border or ready to be, until resettlement and reintegration into the country and city of return;


7-Organization of operational missions in France and around the world for the cause and the interest of the candidates for immigration, migrants, asylum seekers, and recognized refugees and stateless persons, whose main purpose is to restore hope immigration applicants in countries of departure and migrants and refugees in transit countries, through holistic care, including reception, information, socio-occupational training, guidance, health, access to rights, etc .;


8-Organization of research missions and action, on the one hand and citizen surveys, observations of the lawsuits, and to constitute civil party alongside the migrants, asylum seekers, refugees and stateless persons recognized or not, and the defenders of the rights of the latter, victims of all forms of state violence or other, on the other hand.



-General Assembly of members: meets every two years since August 2018;

-Board of Directors: 8 members, meets every six months since August 2018

-Office: 4 members, executes the recommendations of the Board of Directors.

             Secretariat  : Assists the Bureau. It is composed of employees,  consultants, trainees, volunteers


Contact with OFAR Alsace-Moselle : The French Refugee Aid Organization / Alsace-Moselle- Chez M. MAHESHE NDOOLE Nicolas, 1 Place de Haldenbourg-67200 STRASBOURG, France – Tel: – Tel .: +33 (0) 7 58 63 83 29 and +33 (0) 75 41 53 955. Email: @